Thursday, March 15, 2012

People's Picks for Free Movies Online

There are a great many compilations to be found online that show you which films are best. This is because there is such demand from watchers eager to know what they should watch next. People can’t get enough of movies, so now they clamor to get free movies online.

Who doesn’t love free stuff, and who doesn’t love a great film? And now we come to some ideas for films you may want to see, given that so many recommend them. These are the movies that people believe you absolutely must see.

From old horror flicks, you can consider "The Exorcist". This set the bar so high for horror and changed the genre forever. The scare-factor was brought by the possessed lead, a little girl who managed to make audiences scream without invoking ultra-high-tech effects.

Some people still remember the film with a shiver. The film had so many scenes with the most macabre and striking imagery. Whoever thought of creating these scenes back in the 70s was a genius.

Titanic, the film that topped box office records for an unheard-of stretch has to be mentioned, of course. This regularly features as an entry in romance or dramatic movie compilations. It didn’t hurt that the film put together the hottest male and female stars of that time in leading roles; who could ever forget Leonardo di Caprio painting a nude Kate Winslet?

For all that its theme was not entirely new, it became an icon because of its classy approach to the story, which is also the reason that so many moviegoers consider it to be the best of all its kind. The true center of Titanic is not even the Titanic itself, but rather a blooming affair of passion between two young persons. This was the highest-grossing film of its time.

Another film that saw epic returns on the producers' investments was "The Lion King". This is perhaps the animated movie with the greatest profits ever. This animated film has even trounced many live actor's films in terms of earnings.

In Sci-Fi, an iconic film would be the famous "War of the Worlds". The 1938 radio fiction-drama set nationwide panic as news reported an alien invasion by creatures from Mars. The more recent film versions are not considered as good, despite their striking imagery.

One more movie that you absolutely must see would be "Forrest Gump". The subtlety of the film was renowned at the time, especially due to the also-gentle likeability of its lead character. Movies like these make Hollywood so captivating that people may compare it to a box of chocolates; you never know what you're gonna get.

When it comes to free movies online, these are must-see items. People can establish connections with the best films. It is no longer difficult to find copies of these now, fortunately, due to modern technology.

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